Due to the fact that the level of intensity of the movement of vehicles increased on the roads, roads began to deteriorate as soon as possible. With careful observation, it can be noted that immediately after the repair there are cracks and pits on the road, which is associated with the use of low -quality material, as well as large loads.
Passing cars do not have a strong impact on the condition of roads, unlike large KamAZ and trucks loaded with heavy loads. They are the main reasons that the road after repair quickly becomes unusable and it has to be repaired again, since the resulting pits can become the causes of accidents.
How to make a professional asphalt of the road surface and maintain its stability with any mechanical damage?
It all starts with design. The project of the future street is drawn up, where in addition to the road, the location of the sidewalk is taken into account. Be sure to calculate all costs associated with the purchase of materials (sand, crushed stone, asphalt) and the performance by the team of work. The whole estimate is signed in detail, which includes all the wishes of the customer and construction standards. In order for the process of building the road to pass without unforeseen expenses, you should initially take into account all the necessary nuances that may affect the costs, namely the cost and quality of the building materials used, the landscape features.
The next step is the preparation of the territory. It must be prepared in accordance with the project of the future street and strictly adhere to a given plan. During this stage, work is performed related to clearing the territory, complete alignment of the work surface. All this can take a different amount of time, depending on the area and the complexity of the project being implemented.
The last and main step is the street asphalting. As soon as everything is ready in order to make the road, falling asleep with a separate section with gravel and the coating of its special emulsion, which creates reliable fixation of asphalt. After that, there is a layer of bitumen and dry crushed stone, then the surface is leveled with a rink.
The peculiarity of such a laying of asphalt is that you can use technology only in the warm season and necessarily in dry weather. But since roads can deteriorate not only in summer, but also in winter, under difficult weather conditions due to cold weather, cold asphalt is used.
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