Bolt for garden gate.

Bolt for the gate.

You can buy a bolt for a gate in a local store, but it is easy to do it with your own hands, and in this case it will be much more beautiful and stronger.


• Board 4 feet long and 1 x 4 inches

• Nagel with a diameter of 18 inches. Remove the chamfers from the edges.

Installation of a bolt.

First, glue the nagel into the hole, which will serve as a sliding bolt handle (b). Securely secure the nagel with a screw, screw it on the back of the bolt into the end. When the glue dries, attach the internal blocks of the bolt (a) with nails with a length of 4 inches to the gate and crossbar of the fence. Then attach the outer blocks (c) with nails with a length of 6 inches over the internal blocks of the bolt so that the bolt can slide back and forth, but does not fall out.