Putting houses into operation: basic requirements and rules

It is not enough to build a house; you need to put it into operation. Without this procedure, it is illegal to use the building. This is not just bureaucracy: construction is strictly regulated, because if building codes are violated, the house can collapse, and the people inside can be seriously injured. Commissioning is a complex and lengthy procedure, and it can be difficult to cope with it the first time. There are intermediary companies that help you correctly prepare all the documents and follow the procedure.

If you look more about the services on nodosanaekspluatacija.lv , it turns out that the procedure and the size of the requirements greatly depend on the object. Private and multi-apartment construction, residential and commercial buildings are put into operation according to slightly different rules. But, of course, there are common points.


In essence, the process of commissioning a building is simple: a package of documents is submitted to the authority that issued the building permit, along with the application. The authority issues permission for commissioning. The devil is in the details: there is a lot of paperwork.

  1. Construction permit. Without it, the building is a self-construction with corresponding legal consequences.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the site.
  3. Urban planning plan.
  4. House diagram.
  5. Project documentation.
  6. Results of engineering surveys.
  7. Positive conclusion of the ZOS – state construction supervision. If there is a conclusion from an independent professional technical supervisor, an AIA conclusion is still required.
  8. Acts of acceptance of work from builders and other contractors.
  9. A document proving that the building complies with technical regulations.
  10. A document proving that the building complies with technical specifications. This is necessary to connect communications – electricity, water, etc.


The procedure is as follows:

  • the main package of documents is collected;
  • work is accepted from contractors;
  • documents are obtained in accordance with technical regulations and technical conditions;
  • an application is submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • a commission is passed;
  • an application for commissioning is submitted.

By the time the documents are submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency, all work on the site must be completed. Otherwise, the commission, having examined the object, will demand that everything be completed and will not issue a conclusion.

In order for a house to be put into operation, it must meet the requirements for its building category. The set of premises is regulated (in residential buildings, for example, there must be living rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom), their sizes, and ceiling heights. The distance to other objects on the site and the boundaries of the site are also indicated. Communications are also important: it is impossible to put into operation a house in which there is no electricity and water (usually also heating and hot water).