Basic requirements for thermal insulation coatings

Not unimportant measures to protect buildings and structures from exposure to high temperatures in a fire are complex fire protection of metal structures, including ventilation systems, supporting steel beams, supports, farms, etc. P.

The ducts should be in all rooms, but in case of fire, they become free ways of spread of fire and sources of additional portions of oxygen, which nourishes and maintains fire. It is very important to protect the duct from destruction under the influence of high temperatures. Therefore, the air conditioning and ventilation systems are included in the air protection and ventilation plan.

To protect open ventilation boxes, a special coating is applied to them. It can be paints and mixtures, a special composition, or thermal insulation material that envelops the ventilation boxes. The main task is to increase the limit of thermal strength of structures, prevent them from collapsing, and get into the neighboring rooms smoke. The work on applying this kind of protection is quite laborious and requires the involvement of special equipment, but these measures justify themselves in critical situations.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation coatings:

– should not violate the integrity of the structure;

– should not weight the elements of the system;

– The service life of the coating must comply with the duration of the duct;

– have appropriate physical and mechanical properties that requires a set of measures called “fire protection of air ducts”.

Not unimportant measures to protect buildings and structures from exposure to high temperatures in a fire are complex fire protection of metal structures, including ventilation systems, supporting steel beams, supports, farms, etc. P. Coating with special compounds – the most simple and technological method for ensuring the insulation of the metal from the zone of high temperature. In addition to increasing the time of achieving metal elements of a critical temperature of 500 degrees, such coatings should not be fuel, not toxic, aesthetic (from the point of view of the external types of protected surface), have long service life.

Fire protection of metal structures is an important and necessary set of measures, which in an emergency will not only save the building, preventing its destruction, but also save human lives. Having spent money on this today, you provide yourself with a calm life tomorrow. In addition, the compliance of the premises with all fire safety standards is the necessary requirement to commission any object. Fire protection of ducts and metal structures eliminates the need for additional measures (installing fences, ceilings, etc. D.).