Country house made of glued beams: what are the benefits

Natural building materials of deep wood processing are materials of the 21st century. As for the house from the glued beam Tamak, it boasts the advantages of both wood and artificial materials.

The technology for the production of such a beam involves the use of whole wood as raw materials. Trees without knots and defects are sawn on boards, dried and then glued under the press. The blanks are profiled on the machine and cut to the standard size. In total in the process there are about a dozen technological stages. The technology for the production of such building materials is currently considered the most progressive in the field of construction.

As a result of the house of such material is an order of magnitude better than buildings from a single gallected or profiled timber. It is worth noting the following advantages:

Due to the layers of adhesive material, glued beams do not warp, it is not afraid of air moisture differences, which invariably causes corruption of natural wood.

In addition, glued beam has high physical and mechanical indicators and high durability. The humidity of this material is in the range of 10-12%, so that durable and durable glued material can be used for any purpose from the construction of walls to the creation of multi-span loaded structures.

The constancy of the geometric dimensions of the beam implies the lack of shrinkage of the house after the end of construction, which allows you to immediately start decoration and reduces the terms of construction work.

As for the simplicity of the use of this material in the process of construction, then the profiled by the frame of the beam simplifies the process: the standard team of builders will erect a “box” of 100 m³ per month.

The glue that connects the boards in glued beams demonstrates excellent ecological indicators, does not allow the material to dry out, to take, crack, so that walls from such material do not need an additional decorative or protective decoration.

In processed dry wood with ribs of strength in the form of layers of glue there is no internal stress, which over time can lead to excess of fatigue strength and destruction of the material.

The heat -saving characteristics of glued beams ahead of the indicators of a conventional timber or logs.

All of the above explains the growing demand for this material, which can be used to build houses of any size up to apartment buildings.