If you started repairs, you have definitely already viewed the entire Internet in search of economical and high -quality materials. Surely you have repeatedly met the name “dry stucco”, but did not quite understand what it is at all and what to do with it. In fact, this is a finishing material that is much easier and faster to plastering. Sheets of such plaster can be fixed as soon as you want. For example, to stone and concrete sheets, it is attached with mastic, which to make at home easier. But if you do not know the recipe, then you need to take 3 liters of water and dilute 0.5 kg of dry glue there there. Now you need this mixture to swell for about 15 hours. And in order to get a homogeneous mass, without lumps, you need to put it on the smallest and fire and stir for 5-6 hours. Then you need to add 10 liters of water to the finished glue and mix.
To fix the sheets themselves is not such a difficult occupation, but before the start of this work, you will have to install support stamps, make markings that are approximately equal to the sheets used. And only after that can you start work.
It is necessary to apply mastic to the surface of the wall under each sheet. At the junctions, mastic should be applied with a continuous tape. Then the sheet must be well pressed. As for the lower edge, it should be about 15mm from the floor.
And if you have wooden walls, then the sheets are attached to them with nails. And if there is such a great desire, then you can nail such plaster to the concrete wall, only you need to install a wooden frame at a distance of not more than 400mm.
As soon as all the work is completed, it is necessary to close all the joints. You need to take care that all the bayonets were embroidered. You can impose a rake on the seams if necessary.
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