The desire to improve the loggia, as a rule, is associated with the need to create a suitable microclimate in this room. ...

In the LuxDecor online store you will find inexpensive and high -quality mixtures for Venetian plaster. ...

Not unimportant measures to protect buildings and structures from exposure to high temperatures in a fire are complex fire protection of metal structures, including ventilation systems, supporting steel beams, supports, farms, etc. ...

Among the large number of varieties of pipes, polyethylene are distinguished, which are suitable for the installation of sewage, water supply and gas communications. ...

Gypsum cardboard is one of the most popular types of material used to erect wall partitions and wall cladding. ...

Every mistress dreams of having her own kitchen corner. ...

If you are going to equip a metal roof, then you should carefully come to such as the choice of roof, in general, if we talk about how they choose a roof, then I use four main positions for its choice, this is durability, quality, price, and of course, and of course, load. ...

With facade thermal insulation work, it is necessary to devote special importance. ...

Sewer for a summer residence is just a master Welcome to the pages of the construction portal – just a master! ...